Summer Smash Q&A

Why would I choose to play the Summer Smash, rather than a USTA tournament?– Most USTA tournaments charge between $55-65 for singles, many don’t offer doubles and none offer mixed doubles. The Summer Smash charges $30 for singles, and $25 per doubles player, and EVERY player receives a tournament t-shirt. The focus of USTA tournaments is to compile points and rise in the rankings; at the Snohomish Summer Smash, it’s not about the points! We believe competition can be fun as well.

When do matches start?– The tournament will start at 12 pm on July 22nd; from there on out, matches will start each morning at 9 am. Matches will go until dark, playing under our court lights.

I want to play, but I have to work one day- Email the Tournament Director, and let him know your schedule; we may have flexibility to enable you to play.

What’s the difference between Silver and Gold?– Players taking part in the Gold Division are high Varsity players; many have played in USTA Intermediate and Advanced tournaments, and some have competed at State. Silver Division players are lower Varsity and JV players, who have maybe played a USTA Beginners or Intermediate tournament or two.

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